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[SOLVED] Need to move "%" sign for precentage discount !


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Hi everyone,


I couldn't figure this one out and I have tried a lot but this is the problem.


In Turkey, the "%" sign is in front of the number (%20), not after (20%) because it is also spoken before the number. Now, I am trying to move the "%" but it really doesn't work.


Does anyone have an idea how to do it?


Thx Dirk

Edited by dirk.j.herrmann (see edit history)
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If you look in the product.tpl you will find this code: 


{if $product->specificPrice && $product->specificPrice.reduction_type == 'percentage'}-{$product->specificPrice.reduction*100}%{/if}


change it to:


{if $product->specificPrice && $product->specificPrice.reduction_type == 'percentage'}-%{$product->specificPrice.reduction*100}{/if}


You will see this code in product_list.tpl so move the % in the same way. 


Hope this helps



PS you may need to look for this code in the product.tpl too: {$quantity_discount.real_value|floatval}% and place % before the value. 

Edited by Teapot Creative (see edit history)
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In Themes / js / product.js find (approx line: 900): 


$('#reduction_percent_display').html('-' + parseFloat(discountPercentage).toFixed(toFix) + '%');


change to:


$('#reduction_percent_display').html('- %' + parseFloat(discountPercentage).toFixed(toFix));


Hope this helps..



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