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B2B Shop

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first, please excuse me for my bad English. I hope you understand my question correctly.

Is it possible to make a B2B shop with PrestaShop without programming a new modul?
That means, that costumer see only prices if they are logged in. And if someone create an Account, the admin must first open the account, before the person can see prices and logged in.

Is this possible with the PrestaShop?

Thanks for answers


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  • 3 months later...

Yes, it's possible. You need to modify the Prestashop files that display prices and add:

if (!$params['cookie']->isLogged())
echo 'Please log in to view prices."
{Price variable - Whatever that may be.}

The if statement checks to see that the cookie that's dropped into the customer's browser when he/she logs in is in place before it populates the variable. Otherwise, it kicks out the phrase "Please log in to view prices."

I hope that helps.


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Actually, you could reverse that by taking out the "!" and it would make more sense.

if ($params[‘cookie’]->isLogged())
{Price variable – Whatever that may be.}
echo ‘Please log in to view prices.”

Whichever you'd like.

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