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Block Top Menu - no hover when in "Products" page


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Hello. I haven't found similar problem on this forum, hence a new topic.


I have a problem with a http://catofmoon.com shop. In the menu on top of the site, whenever the user hovers over "Produkty" or "W zestawie taniej", a menu is being displayed, showing relevant (sub)categories. The problem is that when a user enters the "Produkty" page (http://catofmoon.com/14-produkty-dla-niemowlat-i-dla-dzieci ), the hover effect is not working, neither when the "Produkty" nor "W zestawie taniej" is hovered. 


Could anyone suggest some hint or solution, as I have run out of ideas.

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error that you've got is related to block layered navigation module

it's because this module loads libraries and trying to run them, but your website does not have a column with layered module block, so js scripts of this module getting crazy and in effect they spawn error



błąd związany jest z modułem block layered (filtry nawigacyjne)

najprawdopodobniej dlatego, że jest włączony (ładują się jego biblioteki) a nie ma włączonej kolumny w której mógłby się wyświetlić.

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