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Orders does not show any products


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I am running ver

About two weeks ago we started receiving orders of which the total is correct but it does not show any products.


I doubt that it is a payment module because this now happened with the PayFast payment and Bank Wire payment method.


During the first couple of weeks I switched to Prestashop everything was fine, now we get these blank orders.

I have not changed, added or updated anything during the past 3 weeks.

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Maybe good to remember how it works:

 - before the software goes to the payment provider/module it creates an order because it needs an order number. However, it doesn't yet transfer the products from the cart to the order.

 - when your payment processing is finished it makes a callback to your shop

 - that callback transfers the products from the cart to the order.


For some reason that callback doesn't work on your shop. You will still be able to find the orders between the carts. Just check for a cart with the same amount as the order.


Solving the problem will more difficult. Maybe the error log of your shop shows something. Otherwise you will need to experiment with the development mode turned on and modules selectively disabled to find out what goes wrong.

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