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A bunch of thumbnails not showing up (cart_default,small default,...)

Dorian Ardalan

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After a whole bunch of undocumented changes on our website (prestashop with customized theme) we came to see that some of the product picture thumbnails showin in our modules(blockcart in the header, cart_default thumbnails of the products in cart) or order page (small_default thumbnails images of the products) did not show up, And the picture showing in their place was default "en-default" (or in our case fa-default because of our localization) image.


Things we have tried to fix it:

-forced compile, checked for any kind of errors,

-cleared cache

-disabled all kinds of cache mechanism, CCC cache, smarty cache removed cache folder,

-regenerated the thumbnails and made sure they are called the right name equal to the .tpl source code

-disabled friendly URL,re-generated the .htaccess file

-moved the entire server to a local machine with SSD, played around with images and regenerated all the images manually and replaced them on the live server

-all the images are showing just fine other places (products,zoom,categorys, category thumbnails,...)


this is where the image links gets called:

<img src="{$link->getImageLink($product.link_rewrite, $product.id_image, 'cart_default')}" class="img-thumbnail img-circle" alt="{$product.name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" />


which is replayed with the path to the "en-default" picture.


this is the product detail array

Array ( [id_product_attribute] => 0 [id_product] => 15 [cart_quantity] => 1 [id_shop] => 1 [name] => کابل شبکه Tede CAT6A SFTP LSZH [is_virtual] => 0 [description_short] => [available_now] => [available_later] => [id_category_default] => 54 [id_supplier] => 0 [id_manufacturer] => 2 [on_sale] => 1 [ecotax] => 0.000000 [additional_shipping_cost] => 0.00 [available_for_order] => 1 [price] => 976000 [active] => 1 [unity] => هر متر [unit_price_ratio] => 305.000000 [quantity_available] => 30 [width] => 0.000000 [height] => 0.000000 [depth] => 0.000000 [out_of_stock] => 2 [weight] => 21.000000 [date_add] => 2016-03-01 20:31:51 [date_upd] => 2016-05-10 20:18:16 [quantity] => 1 [link_rewrite] => کابل-شبکه-cat6a-sftp-lszh [category] => کابل-cat6a [unique_id] => 0000000015000000000010 [id_address_delivery] => 10 [advanced_stock_management] => 1 [supplier_reference] => [customization_quantity] => [id_customization] => [reference] => TD-LCSF6A-063 [ean13] => [upc] => [minimal_quantity] => 1 [wholesale_price] => 0.000000 [reduction_type] => 0 [stock_quantity] => 30 [price_without_reduction] => 976000 [price_with_reduction] => 976000 [price_with_reduction_without_tax] => 976000 [total] => 976000 [total_wt] => 976000 [price_wt] => 976000 [reduction_applies] => [quantity_discount_applies] => [id_image] => fa-default [allow_oosp] => 0 [features] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id_feature] => 1 [id_product] => 15 [id_feature_value] => 2 )[1] => Array ( [id_feature] => 2 [id_product] => 15 [id_feature_value] => 6 )[2] => Array ( [id_feature] => 3 [id_product] => 15 [id_feature_value] => 17 )[3] => Array ( [id_feature] => 6 [id_product] => 15 [id_feature_value] => 30 )[4] => Array ( [id_feature] => 7 [id_product] => 15 [id_feature_value] => 36 )[5] => Array ( [id_feature] => 8 [id_product] => 15 [id_feature_value] => 40 )[6] => Array ( [id_feature] => 9 [id_product] => 15 [id_feature_value] => 34 )[7] => Array ( [id_feature] => 11 [id_product] => 15 [id_feature_value] => 42 ))[rate] => 0 [tax_name] => ) 1



as you can see we got this in the Array: [id_image] => fa-default


TL;DR: thumbnails not showing up:



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