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[SOLVED] how to get script into the HEAD tag

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I have been trying to get either Cufon or sIFR working. I need to get some script at the end of HEAD tag. I have tried adding this to the header.tpl for the Theme I am using, placing the code just before the </head> tag.

Every time I do this, for both Cufon and sIFR script I just get a blank screen in the browser, and cannot even use 'view source' (also blank).

What am I doing wrong, please?

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  • 3 years later...

Hi Rocky,

I have now a little simuler problem. I need to place the Comodo Trust Logo on my page and that requires to add one script before my </HEAD> tag. and other before my </BODY> tag.

I have placed the first into the "header..tpl and the othe in footer.tpl but nothing hapend.

Am on the right truck? How should I do this?

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here is the codes:

1. Copy and Paste the following piece of code and insert EXACTLY before your </HEAD> tag.


<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">


var tl_loc0=(window.location.protocol == "https:")? "https://secure.comodo.net/trustlogo/javascript/trustlogo.js" :


document.writeln('<scr' + 'ipt language="JavaScript" src="'+tl_loc0+'" type="text\/javascript">' + '<\/scr' + 'ipt>');




2. Copy and Paste the following piece of code and insert EXACTLY before your </BODY> tag.


<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">

TrustLogo("http://ukgreenoffice.co.uk/img/comodo_secure_52x63_transp.png", "CL1", "none");


<a href="http://ssl.comodo.com" id="comodoTL">SSL Certificates</a>


I have replaced the "none" (from TrustLogo("http://ukgreenoffice.co.uk/img/comodo_secure_52x63_transp.png", "CL1", "none");)

and replaced by "bottomright" or "bottomleft" - nothing will move the logo from that corner

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