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Problem with rewrite on manufacturer and some links from SEO module


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I have a strange problem with rewrite, where a link points to the wrong page.


For example:




points to




It seems the correct page link is:




So, the ID seems to lead to the wrong page. However, ID "6" is the right ID, when looking in the manufacturer list.


I have tried:


  • Recreating the htaccess file
  • Changing the rewrite strategy (different fields)
  • disabling cache and html compression etc.
  • disabling apache multi-view

The only thing that makes it work is to disabling rewrite.


Most links work fine though - this seems to concearn the manufacturers and a few other products.

The SEO module delivers the same links and sometimes this lead to 404 pages as they don't seem to exist, like:




I hope you have some tips on what to do on this one!



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I just noticed this (hope it can help you) :


http://shop.pintail.se/index.php?controller=category&id_category=6 and http://shop.pintail.se/index.php?controller=manufacturer&id_manufacturer=6 leads to same site : http://shop.pintail.se/sv/6-ryggsäckar-för-barn


It is a manufacturer or a category? in your sitemap, it appear to be a category. Maybe you have the same rule in the rewrite of categories and manufacturers?

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To Gabriel: You have a point - the category is different and works ok, so let's forget about that one. I mixed them up, but:


The real issue is the fact that it does not find the http://shop.pintail.se/sv/6-bj%C3%B6rn-borg-v%C3%A4skor page - instead it finds another. This goes for ALL manufacturers.

I do have the same rewrite setting, but this is not new - I did not change it. It worked before and I am not sure when it stopped working.


To tuk66: I will check that for the products, thank's. This may very well be the case - however it does not apply to the manufacturers. Here is another issue.


it may be good to know that I work on release

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I solved this by moving the ID field further back in the rewrite string. Then the linkage got correct.

However - this cannot be a correct fix, as I never touched these settings before. Something is broken in the code here.


For now this solves my problem though...

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