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Employee with Translator rights can see prices for products, how to remove ?

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Hello Guys,

I just got a new employee which has got access to the webshop with a "Translator" account.

But, there is full access to all sections of the product, including the price section. I would like to remove this option, so there can be no changes made here.

Is it possible to do that some way... I know I have to change files, and no problem.
I would like a solution without changing core files if possible.



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Got a solution...

Use if you want.


Add the following.

{* Hide prices for profile ID=4 (translator) *}
{if $class_name == 'Product' && $employee->id_profile == 4}
    <style type="text/css">
        #link-Prices {literal}[spam-filter]/literal}display: none;{literal[spam-filter]{/literal}

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