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Site completely gone after version rollback

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Okay since I could not get an answer to my question I was instructed to rollback.  The rollback stopped with an error and now the site is gone and inaccessible.


Any help would be so nice.


EDIT: ok the shop comes back after a couple minutes but it says all of combinations are not available.  And this does not fix my problem of wanting to upgrade the system.



Edited by Zedster (see edit history)
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OK the current status is I have rolled back to a previous backup that my webhost had.  Where everything should just work but now the back end seems to work fine but the front is completely gone showing error 500.  The error the server side shows is 500 Error - Premature end of script headers: index.php.  This seems o be an error with many possible causes. My expertise is nonexistent in this area so I am lost.


I have however been offered some help from a 3rd party and I hope to get that started soon. 

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