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E-commerce Novice - how do I install or where can I get installation instructions

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I can develop basic web pages and have an understanding of html, xhtml & style sheets but e-commerce set ups are new to me - I have downloaded PrestaShop to my desktop...now what do I do - there were 2 down load options - which one do I use? do I need to install on the server and make modifications from there or can I make the changes on my own computer and then upload - I am also wanting to fun a different front page other than the shop and then have the shop located in a subdirectory and linked from the home page - my client doesnt like the shop front for her "welcoming" design and want to support a gallery from a differnt page as well - can any one give me some tips...would be greatly appreciated


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Hi Sue,

Welcome to the community, where is full of useful information you could find. You can see the Wiki section for a get-started purpose, although it is a little bit outdated. If you feel sour about playing with the codes in a production environment, I suggest to do some body-warm developing works at localhost. As you know, localhost is sexy :) . When it's done locally, just upload the whole shop to a production server. It's just that simple.

Remember when you get question, search before ask. 'Cause somewhere your question had already been raised before. Good luck!

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Hi Susan,

Unzip all the files to your desktop - you will get a folder named prestashop. Upload all the files in that folder to your server where your domain is on. When you have done that put the following into your browser: www.yourdomain.com/install - that will bring up the install instructions which are self explanatory.

Before you do the 'install' part, create a database name, and username so that you have it ready for the install procedure.

Hope this helps.


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I have uploaded files onto the server but when trying to run the install from the web browser I am getting the following message

Fatal error: Class 'LanguageManager' not found in /home/nissass1/public_html/shop/install/index.php on line 32

anyone know the code I need to fix this?

The current code is
$1m = new LanguageManager(dir(_FILE_)./langs/list.xml')

can any one help??

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I have almost the same problem. The instructions are NOT by far self-explanatory. Or maybe they are for people who know about coding, installing and such, but in any way for novices (as it is stated in the front page).

First of all:

Turn on GD Library functionality. In the root directory of your PHP folder, open the php.ini file.

Erhm ... what PHP folder? I don't have that on the server I use, or maybe I do (although I looked into all files).

I said to myself: ok, maybe this is for programmers who have .php installed into their computers, so ... let's move on.

I uploaded everything on my server, as instructed. I ran the install thing, and successfully passed Step 1 and Step 2. I got stuck in step 3, where I am asked to give Database server name, Database name, Login, Password. No matter what combination I used, nothing worked! I have no idea where to take the database server name from (I checked with the instructions sent by my server, and didn't find any reference to that), so I used the server information, and all the other information. NOTHING worked. And yes, I set up a data base before starting anything else, and yes, I have assigned the writing permissions as instructed, and yes, I am not quite an idiot. I am a newb, but I've managed to install all by myself my Wordpress blog, without ANY help from the outside ... but there the instructions are REALLY given step by step like for the novices.

Therefore, since I don't see any solution to this, I see myself forced to give up, thank you, Prestashop!
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I have almost the same problem. The instructions are NOT by far self-explanatory. Or maybe they are for people who know about coding, installing and such, but in any way for novices (as it is stated in the front page).

First of all:

Turn on GD Library functionality. In the root directory of your PHP folder, open the php.ini file.

Erhm ... what PHP folder? I don't have that on the server I use, or maybe I do (although I looked into all files).

I said to myself: ok, maybe this is for programmers who have .php installed into their computers, so ... let's move on.

I uploaded everything on my server, as instructed. I ran the install thing, and successfully passed Step 1 and Step 2. I got stuck in step 3, where I am asked to give Database server name, Database name, Login, Password. No matter what combination I used, nothing worked! I have no idea where to take the database server name from (I checked with the instructions sent by my server, and didn't find any reference to that), so I used the server information, and all the other information. NOTHING worked. And yes, I set up a data base before starting anything else, and yes, I have assigned the writing permissions as instructed, and yes, I am not quite an idiot. I am a newb, but I've managed to install all by myself my Wordpress blog, without ANY help from the outside ... but there the instructions are REALLY given step by step like for the novices.

Therefore, since I don't see any solution to this, I see myself forced to give up, thank you, Prestashop!

In your server backend there is usually an option to create a new blank database. That is what you must do (It varies how to do that depending on who your host is).

Once you create a blank database, its name is what you will enter in the install step - it should connect, and then you will be good to go. So in other word, you need to create a blank database on your server in order to install Prestashop. If you are not prompted, your database password is most likely the password you use to login to your server backend.
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