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I can't see displayBackOfficeHome hook in my positions menu.


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Hello friends, 


I want to change the position of the module in my back office dashboard but I can't see the hook for it. When I choose the module it doesn't show that hook although it is there. I'm using v1.6.1.5. I need to find dashboard hook to change the places of modules.


Do you have any idea about my problem?



Edited by servetsarap (see edit history)
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I have solved to problem. I'm writing how to solve if anyone has the same problem. I don't know why but Prestashop doesn't show the dashboard hook named dashboardzonetwo hook.I have installed the hook manager module from this link (https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/299973-module-hook-manager/) and update the module. Then it was possible to see hook in positions menu.

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