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Prestashop (1.6.13) adds new carrier everytime if I edit the preis range


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Prestashop (1.6.13)


I added actually one carrier manually and it is the only one.


Lately I had a problem. I wanted to change the pricerange 0 to 50 without success.


I realised, prestashop generates a new carrier every time if I update my pricerange. 


And if a price range exists in ps_range_price table, Prestashop does not accept it.

I wanted to change it 0 to 50 whithout success but 0 to 49.9 works.
After that I updated it in phpmyadmin.

Is it a bug? Is it ok if I delete carriers in database(has link to older orders?)?


thanks in advance




timur tas

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I am not aware of those price_range problems. 


Prestashop makes with every change a new carrier so that old orders aren't suddenly attached to new conditions. 


You can delete those "old carriers" if their connected orders are completed. However, the question is why you should. The space they use is neglectable. And they are marked as inactive so that you cannot select them anymore for a new order.

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thank you for your repy


"However, the question is why you should"


as I mentioned, I have trouble to update price rage. I prefer not to do. 


I cannot update to a price range if it already exists. I made it manually.( set the price range 49,00 and then change it to 50 in databese, because it doesn't

update it to 50, which is already in table. why?i do not know.)




timur tas

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My guess would be that you have some unwelcome unique index on one of your database tables.


If you can check that and find that a clean install of the same PS version doesn't have such an index you could adapt that. Deleting table entries will only delay your problem to the next carrier update.

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