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Set a noreply address for outgoing emails


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as the title says, I am looking for a solution for all the emails sent to the clients (including the customer service ones), without exception, to be sent with a [email protected] address.


I have many clients that keep replying to the automatic emails and the customer service ones and it is just unbearable... I changed the Preferences -> Store Contact to a noreply address, but clients keep receiving the old one after cleaning prestashop + browser cache and everything else...


I looked everywhere on the forum for a solution but I still don't find anything.

Anyone with the answer?


Thanks a lot!

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Hello Shokinro, 

thanks for the reply! I have had this data in the PS_SHOP_EMAIL since I created the store, but I still get emails from the email I use as an admin. Maybe would it be necessary to change my admin email? Since my module email alerts has the right notification email configured, I guess it wouldn't be a problem, but how about the other users of the customer service service who reply to emails from backend?


I don't see an easy way for the clients to only receive emails from [email protected]..

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there is other you may consider to use, in method Send() of Mail.php class, you can replace the parameter $from with [email protected].

only replace it when $from is your store admin contact email, see below.




or (recommended)






public static function Send($id_lang, $template, $subject, $templateVars,  $to, $toName = NULL, $from = NULL, $fromName = NULL,  ...............)


public static function Send($id_lang, $template, $subject, $templateVars,  $to, $toName = NULL,  $from = NULL, $fromName = NULL, ...............)
       if($from == "xxxxxxxx")$from = "[email protected]";
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  • 1 month later...

Hello shokinro, and sorry for the delay! I have been sick and as a result I was not working.

Apparently the issue was coming from the fact that the cache had not been cleared everywhere, so after cleaning the browser, the admin, smarty etc.. The issue resolved itself and it now works like a charm!

Thanks a lot for your help!

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