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Paypal Error url


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Using the latest version of prestashop. the paypal module (uninstalled and reinstalled) 3.10.6.
The I sent my e-commerce on paypal, paypal rindirizza me to my site.
Just that on my site I get:
Order summary PayPal payment <p> <img src = "/ modules / paypal / views / img / logos / IT_PayPal_logo_100x45.gif" alt = "PayPal" class = "paypal_logo" /> <br /> You have chosen to pay with PayPal . <br/> <br /> Here is a short summary of your order: </ p> <p class = "shipping_address col-sm-3 column grid_2"> <strong> Shipping address </ strong> <br /
The total amount of your order is <span id = "amount" class = "price"> <strong> 0,50 & euro; </ strong> </ span> (tax incl.) </ P> <p> - We Following accept the currency to be sent by PayPal: & nbsp; <b> Euro </ b> </ p> <link rel = "stylesheet" href = "http: /miosito.it//modules/paypal/views/css/ paypal-cart_summary.css ">
and the order confirmation button paypal.
I noticed the double // in the penultimate line of code that appears to me htto: /miosito.it//module .... the error depends on it? Someone can help me?
Thank you in advance for your help

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