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Getting error "You do not have permission to configure this module." when trying to install a module

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I'm trying to install Google Analytics API module as it appears to uninstalled itself at some point in the last month, but when I click install I get an error:


You do not have permission to configure this module.


Anyone know how to solve this?  I saw a few other topics saying to uninstall and reinstall the module...but mine isn't installed so that doesn't help me.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 4 weeks later...

To anyone having "You do not have permission to configure this module."

Try this, it worked for me.

Go to Advanced parameters, performance, turn off all items on this page. I don't know which cache or smarty etc was the issue, but after I did a wholesale swipe here the 1-click upgrade configuration would display.

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Any other solutions? I'm getting the same error message when trying to install any module. Tried uploading modules manually but error comes up when I click Install. 

I recently moved my shop to a different hosting package/domain and all works well on the original one while can't figure out what's going on with the new one.


Anything else I could try?


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  • 3 weeks later...

I ran into this error too, trying to install pscleaner 1.8.5 on of PrestaShop. Tried all suggestions of disabling performance features, made no difference.


Keen to know solution though as I've abandoned PrestaShop for this project as there wasn't the time to find the solution. 

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  • 3 months later...

I am getting this type of error whenever I try to install a module that is uploaded manually. It displays two contradictory messages:

“Module installed successfully” in green and “You do not have permission to configure this module” in red.

Neither does it work with official modules (like “Customer loyalty and rewards”). Same two error messages.


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  • 3 months later...

We have experienced this error with non-superadmin employees in version 1.7.

A fix seems to be to add access for the following authorization roles to the employee profile in question, in the 'access' table:

In practice this meant adding four rows to the 'access' table in the database, with data like this:

- id_profile = 2, id_authorization_role = 165

- id_profile = 2, id_authorization_role = 166

- id_profile = 2, id_authorization_role = 167

- id_profile = 2, id_authorization_role = 168


This can also be expressed with the following SQL query, where 'Shop owner' is the name of the profile in question:


SELECT `id_authorization_role` INTO @create_role FROM `authorization_role` WHERE `slug`='ROLE_MOD_TAB_ADMINMODULES_CREATE';
SELECT `id_authorization_role` INTO @read_role FROM `authorization_role` WHERE `slug`='ROLE_MOD_TAB_ADMINMODULES_READ';
SELECT `id_authorization_role` INTO @update_role FROM `authorization_role` WHERE `slug`='ROLE_MOD_TAB_ADMINMODULES_UPDATE';
SELECT `id_authorization_role` INTO @delete_role FROM `authorization_role` WHERE `slug`='ROLE_MOD_TAB_ADMINMODULES_DELETE';
SELECT `id_profile` INTO @profile_id FROM `profile_lang` WHERE `name` = 'Shop owner' LIMIT 1;
INSERT IGNORE INTO `access`(`id_profile`,`id_authorization_role`) VALUES(@profile_id,@create_role);
INSERT IGNORE INTO `access`(`id_profile`,`id_authorization_role`) VALUES(@profile_id,@read_role);
INSERT IGNORE INTO `access`(`id_profile`,`id_authorization_role`) VALUES(@profile_id,@update_role);
INSERT IGNORE INTO `access`(`id_profile`,`id_authorization_role`) VALUES(@profile_id,@delete_role);
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  • 4 months later...

I had the same problem. I was searching for solution for my own. The problem had apeared when I uploaded moded bootstrap-theme. I don't know why, but in database in table MODULE, db droped 'primary key' and 'auto increment' properties for 'id_module' field. So when I tried to add and install new module, this module appeared in db table field id_module with value 0. (I had 15 this rows!) I had to delete by SQL query rows which had duplicated 'id_module' field (this is invalid) and add prop: primary key, and auto increment for field 'id_module'. After that adding and installing module all OK.

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  • 3 months later...


I come across same issue. I got the solution and want to share.

Some entries in database for the module creating this issue.

When I install same module on another prestashop instance with different database, I do not get this error.

So the problem was not in module.

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Edited by Zohaib-fk
Post Updated (see edit history)
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  • 7 months later...

We had the same issue on several installations. it was due to user/group file permissions.

Modules has been modified by FTP user in root, and files and folders has wrong permission.

Just reset to right user / group with command

$chown -R user:group www/yoursite/modules/modulename

That's it ;-)

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  • 3 months later...

I lost access to all my modules, I can no longer configure them, with this error message " You are not authorized to configure a module"

This issue started after I removed my ps-access table and replaced it with a clean ps-access DB as I had problem accessing my orders and stats menu. This action solved the issue I had with orders and stats menu, however, it caused issues to configure my modules 

In the images are more details of the issues.

Please does somebody has any explanation for these errors?  Thank you for your help in advance



Team controll panel line197.JPG


Team control panel line691.JPG

Var_cache_dev_smarty_compile lines 691_703_711.JPG

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  • 3 months later...
  On 9/3/2018 at 4:09 PM, sbempire said:

I lost access to all my modules, I can no longer configure them, with this error message " You are not authorized to configure a module"

This issue started after I removed my ps-access table and replaced it with a clean ps-access DB as I had problem accessing my orders and stats menu. This action solved the issue I had with orders and stats menu, however, it caused issues to configure my modules 

In the images are more details of the issues.

Please does somebody has any explanation for these errors?  Thank you for your help in advance



Team controll panel line197.JPG


Team control panel line691.JPG

Var_cache_dev_smarty_compile lines 691_703_711.JPG


Did you find a solution for this? Im stuck at that point too

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Hi everyone,

I was getting this error but I believe it might be a simple fix. At least it was for me. Change the owner and group of your site files and directories to the web server user and group respectively. If anyone needs help with this send me a message.

sudo chown www-data:www-data /var/www/html -R 

-Best regards

Edited by Danny Moreno (see edit history)
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  • 2 months later...

I had exactly the same problem. I checked folder permissions via ftp client, database keys at modules tables and inserted in tables values... Nothing helped.

This solution works: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/275511-solved-you-dont-have-access-to-configure-this-module/

It's enough to click "configrue" on module after sign in to back office on another administrator account. Just this! I don't know why but this workaround works.

I found this topic while I was searching any solution - that's why I write this solution here, for next who will search ;)

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  On 6/1/2019 at 11:11 AM, Rynraf said:

I had exactly the same problem. I checked folder permissions via ftp client, database keys at modules tables and inserted in tables values... Nothing helped.

This solution works: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/275511-solved-you-dont-have-access-to-configure-this-module/

It's enough to click "configrue" on module after sign in to back office on another administrator account. Just this! I don't know why but this workaround works.

I found this topic while I was searching any solution - that's why I write this solution here, for next who will search ;)


Sounds like the original admin had lost some rights somehow. By making a new one you once again had an admin with all rights.

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  • 1 month later...

I had same problem too.In my case i was upgraded my prestashop from to latest version 1.7.5, what am i did is drop tables ps_access and ps_authorization_role and export the two tables from prestashop latest version fresh installed. Hope this help

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  • 4 years later...

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