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Problem with slow loading homepage and other CMS pages.


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Hello, I have problem with my online shop. A few days ago, something happened and there was 500 internal server error when trying to go to my website. I restarted VPS, cleaned cache. I realized that a cannot upload any file to my FTP account because of quota limit (I use Webmin/Virtualmin), so I changed it and the page started to work normally, but it is loading very slow.


Not all pages are loading slow, only homepage, about us page and other cms pages.


Here is error code:



Db->executeS() must be used only with select, show, explain or describe queries
at line 616 in file classes/db/Db.php

612.         // This method must be used only with queries which display results
613.         if (!preg_match('#^\s*\(?\s*(select|show|explain|describe|desc)\s#i', $sql))
614.         {
615.             if (defined('_PS_MODE_DEV_') && _PS_MODE_DEV_)
616.                 throw new PrestaShopDatabaseException('Db->executeS() must be used only with select, show, explain or describe queries');
617.             return $this->execute($sql, $use_cache);
618.         }
620.         $this->result = $this->query($sql);
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I think the error is from following file, where it should use Execute() for non-data query SQL statement(such update/delete/indert) , but in stead it uses "executeS" as  it is mentiioned in the error message




The override class should be coming from module, if you are not sure how to change that, it is better to contact the module developer.

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Thank you for your reply. Do you know what module it concerns? I will disable it and check if everything is ok.



When I ticked "Disable all modules not from Prestashop" and "Disable all overrides" in Performance tab, nothing changed. BO works perfectly and fast.

Edited by Kolar (see edit history)
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The problem is, that from a few months I have not installed any module. Maybe the problem is with something else? Maybe something with database?


Loading the homepage lasts about 2-3min. You can check: www.autoleds.pl

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No, I disabled cache to see changes and I wont enable this until everything works fine. I disabled updated Paypal module and the homepage loads fast. I have no idea why it is Paypal module.

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The slowness might be not related to the error. The error itself is just warning, it should be still working.


In order to increase performance, you need to enable both Smarty cache and enable CCC as suggested by @Teapot Creative.


Beside that, you may also consider to use contents cache of the store, which is at bottom of the same setting page

- back office - Advanced Parameters - Performance tab

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