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Trying to restore/upgrade backed up Store

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I'm not a Prestashop guy, and have been tasked with reconstituting an old web store that had been mistakenly taken down.


I have the (that is, 'a') database, and the a backup of the webshop directory. Should also mention I've set entries in my local /etc/hosts directory to the old (now defunct) domain to make things as consistent with original as possible.


I've managed to stand this up to the point I can access the back office, browse products and, process the shopping cart (mail is still borked.. but, I assume that's just machine config I did't do yet).


However - the home page always renders the index.html (shop in maintenance mode message) when attempting to open the home page. If I browse to a known good product page, that works fine. 


I checked the PS_Base_URI and it is set to the correct directory in htdocs, i.e. /mystore/


In this condition, I attempted to install and use the 1-click updater, which claims to succeed. But afterwards, no store-front pages work, generating 500s for the previously working product pages. Meanwhile, the back office looks ok, but all the product images have been replaced by the default images of old iPods and whatnot; attempting to regen the thumbs produces errors that the images are all missing.


I presume the 500s are about no longer supported modules? Does the autopdate thing not bother to check that stuff?


I realize things have come a long way since 1.4 - but I'm certainly not surprised these guys had been running such an out of date application given the nightmares it appear upgrading is - I'd just stand up a new store (I don't want any of the old theming anyway) and import the products, but prestashop obviously doesn't want to make it easy to export things.. definitely a drag.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated, as my enterprise (a multinational who acquired this firm) won't let me put up such an out of date application online, and I really need to get these guys happening again.


All advice greatly appreciated!

Edited by ErichG69 (see edit history)
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