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Paticular Stock Inventory


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am new to Prestashop. I have a particular requirement and I wanted to know if this can be done.


1 product named 'X' = $10, 20 in stock

1 product named 'Y' = $12, 30 in stock

Another product name 'Z' includes 1x of product X and 1x of product Y (a bundle) and is at $20. I need the individual stocks for X and Y (above) to change when product Z is ordered.


Is this possible ?




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Yes this is possible, you need to create a product as a "Pack of existing Products" 


Create a product as a pack containing product X and Y, and price this product accordingly. When the product Z pack is orders it will take x1 unit of stock off each of the individual items X & Y within the pack.


When setting up the pack just search for X and Y products in the search box and add both to the pack.


See screenshot for where product packs can be set. 


Hope this helps.



Edited by Teapot Creative (see edit history)
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