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Do consider PS slow.

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I feel the Admin is very slow when adding/editing products & really needs improving
the front end is super-fast for me :)

I personally think it makes a huge difference changing the value below
$smarty->force_compile = false;

However the search results are very slow, probably down to many DB queries
I will continue to assist the team with prestashop for the foreseeable future

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front end is fast for me. the backend, in terms of page-loading-speed is fast as well. navigation is terrible though. for example, after saving a product info, i cant directly go back to the products in the same category. i have to go back to the catalog, and then click the category i want to edit, and then go to the next product. things like these make managing the backend tediously painful... but like i said, page-loading-speed is fine! :)

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Haagendazs, try making new "Quick Accesses." It's under tools. You make a link, and it appears in that dropdown menu with the lightning bolt. I made links to all of my categories. I go to the one I want, and scroll down until I find the Add New button.

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Front end is slow, not good but acceptable providing it gets fixed in a future release
Back Offfice has too many annoying ajax jumps. There's enough real estate to get rid of some ajax nervous twitches
I'm not fully committing to PS until I see some improvements in performance

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  • 2 weeks later...

Further to my research on trying to speed up prestrashop I've written another smarty plugin. The stats seem to say it's worth while however I'm still working on it. All the javascript files in the header halt the shop from loading until they have been processed. if anyone has done the maths there are alow of files to download and alot of connections to the server required for this.

Solution: I have written a smarty plugin that creates a single js or css file with the pramas you send. it creates a cached file with etags for quicker furture browseing.

Either an array, list or single js or css file can be used.

Usage is as follows:

{cache js=js/tools.js,js/jquery/jquery.pack.js,js/jquery/jquery.easing.1.3.js,themes/intellishop/js/chrome.js}

{if isset($js_files)} {cache js=$js_files} {/if}

I'll be creating a ps mod website oneday for anyone wishing to donate towards my time developnig such improvements. Until than, just PM and I'll see what I can do to help wtith your shop.

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Several issues fixed, but don't expect a revolution.
PrestaShop's front end power is its weakness: the modules.
The front end in itself do not waste any resources, but each module requires its own data so the overall performance decreases greatly.

We're looking for some kind of internal global cache in which modules could get everything, but it won't be for the next release.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi All

I find prestashop excellent but the front office end is unacceptably slow. I have cut out modules, talked to my (normally fast) hosters, and still I get a 15 -20 sec response on the front end:

1. I have serached for $smarty to change it to $smarty->force_compile = false; but cannot find it... my ignorance I guess. all assistance welcome!!

2. if there is anyone here who has a clue how to speed this up I would welcome the help very much.

3. We are live and getting complaints so a speedy response would be great!

Kind Regards


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Hi Malcolm

Not sure if this will help you, but we had similar speed problem and after running a few checks we made some small changes and we did see an improvement in speed on our sites.

Initially we checked our page loading time on http://www.websiteoptimization.com/services/analyze/

Then we used http://www.cleancss.com/index.php to check and clean up our css files.

Hope this helps :)

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Yes there are also many if in modules that we can remove "if" we are sure of our work:
check if image exists for example,

But, I can't find prestashop slow,
it's depends also from the server,
a new products with a new server.

I made a lot of test with 100 client connected working together and can't find charge on server (6% of 1 processor maximum).
ex: http://www.filanda.it/shop/
I also tried with another shop in locally with 22000 products, and also sql search is fine.

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I find the front end is fine for me but the back end does take some time but as one suggested just make new quick accesses.
On my local and online hosts i have Prestashop & Magento from when i was trying Magento and i must say Prestashop is alot faster and more efficient.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi All

1. I have serached for $smarty to change it to $smarty->force_compile = false; but cannot find it... my ignorance I guess. all assistance welcome!!

Hi Malcolm. You can find it opening "config" folder. Now open "config.inc.php" file and search line number 118. I made the change and it's true, the prestashop's performance now is better.

By the way, i consider PS Speed is very, very good for live shops. It's not required a fancy server or an expensive web hosting service. Just with a decent web host server PS runs very well. Of course, if the performance on PS v1.1 is better, then well come!!... :-)

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Hi R2D2

Thanks for that. It really does work. I have quite a lot of products and categories and it drops the time by 70% per click Shop is at www.cornelio.es/bioshop/ and I find it acceptable now.... do you?

Thanks again for taking the time to help. You are a gentleman and scholar!! :-))

Kind Regards


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
I guess the problem come from how PS deal with DBs...

I don't know where is the problem, but i think most of customers will never wait finish of loading :( They will leave.

Could provid the URL of your shop or PM me...
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  • 7 months later...

The prestashop is too slow.
I have deleted the files in smarty/compile and the $smarty->force_compile in smarty.config.inc.php is also set to false.

I have used oscommerce for more than 3 years now, but wanted something new and found prestashop, however now I really think of going back to oscommerce.

Any help to get to speed up the webshop, or should I just hit the osc-road again???

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