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Ajax reload content without page refresh

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I will answer, so anybody who will search for this issue to be able to find an answer :

First you will have to create a div to the right of your menu in my-account page, where the ajax result will be displayed, let's call that <div class="myaccount_results"></div>

Then create different onclick events for every menu-item from the left.They should have execution code like this: for the addresses link, the JS code will be :

$.ajax({ url: "http://www.yourdomain.com/address?content_only=1" }) .done(function( data ) { $('.myaccount_results').html(data); });

After implementing this don't forget to remove the links (href="xxxx") from the menu-items, or use event.preventDefault()  / event.stopPropagation() to prevent the redirections of the menuitems.


Regards, Leo

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