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"Use this theme" button doesn't work


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I'm using Prestashop with the Leo Fashion Theme.  All I have done since I've had issues is update maintenance.tpl, disable the cache, as well as delete the theme's cache.  I'm currently in maintenance mode.


After that, I started having issues with "Leo bootstrap megamenu", a module used in the Leo Fashion theme (this is a separate issue).  I decided to uninstall the theme completely so I could reinstall and hopefully resolve this.


The Problem


The weird thing is that the "Use this theme" button does nothing now.  I click it and the loading wheel turns for a while before the page updates, but nothing happens; the theme doesn't change.


Any ideas?






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I guess you may have to switch back to default theme first before deleting the other theme.  

when you delete the other theme, PS has automatically switched back to the default theme already, that's why you are not able to click "Use this theme"?


you may try to install other theme back and then try again the "use this theme" on default theme again to see if it works,



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