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move search and cart [RESOLVED]


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The solution or fix may be different based on your theme, it is better post the "store" URL here so that someone maybe able to look at the HTML/CSS code to give you advises.


The other way to fix might be to resize your logo if that is possible, make it more smaller (especially height), that will reduce the spaces under the bock you highlighted,

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Please try to change following line




<div id="header_right_inner" class="clearfix"><!-- Block search module TOP -->





<div id="header_right_inner" class="clearfix" style="margin-top:50px"><!-- Block search module TOP -->
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YouStoreRoot/themes/YourTheme/header.tpl edited and such line in the file <div id="header_right_inner" class="clearfix"><!-- Block search module TOP -->


I will contact the theme creator

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I believe you. As previously written I don't have this line in my header.tpl

<div id="header_right_inner" class="clearfix"><!-- Block search module TOP -->


the only I have for the header right is: 

<div id="header_right" class="col-sm-12 {if $logo_left_center} col-md-{(12-$sttheme.logo_width)/2|ceil} {else} col-md-{12-$sttheme.logo_width} {/if} text-right">

               <div id="header_right_inner" class="clearfix">{$HOOK_TOP}</div>
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The code I got was exactly from your site at that moment I inspected.  if you are looking at right file, but not there, then it could be from a module hook?

I tried again access your site, it seems not available, it keep asking for language selection.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As I mentioned previously, you should be able to adjust the layout by modifying this line


Change from

<div id="header_right_inner" class="clearfix"><!-- Block search module TOP -->



<div id="header_right_inner" class="clearfix" style="margin-top:50px"><!-- Block search module TOP -->



This usually in following file


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