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Front Office suuuuuper slow, but Back Office super fast?


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Hello all,


So here's the full context:


We host with InMotion and due to CPU usage problems, switched from a shared server, to a dedicated server thus giving us a new IP. Our domain name is registered with another company, so we had to update the IP on their end in order to actually get to our site.


At first we were very pleased because the back office is lightening fast, but then we found that every page for our site takes 40secs to even 90secs to load. Customers and sales have dropped, we're having a lot of duplicated orders and customer registration because clients try to refresh pages after the long waits.


We've spoken to our DNS hosts, InMotion, our developers, even our SSL provider and have yet to come up with any solution to this problem.


We're on version and here's our current performance settings (caching is currently set to off): 




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We have about 30,000 products, with a few hundred categories.


Apparently, though, this turned out to be a module error. One of our modules got screwed up and started generating a huge number of SQL queries and we missed that entirely. Now everything takes 1-3secs to load.


I guess problem solved. Thank you for taking a look @Vekia, though!

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