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my index.php page appear a message "Account disabled by server administrator"


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hi there, 


I am using prestashop version, yesterday when i go to my website index page, it show a dialog box saying "Account disabled by server administrator." (please see attached screen) 


or you would access this and see the same error




would you advice if something goes wrong ?


thanks !






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This is an error message from ISPmanager. That is software to manage a hosting account (like CPanel). So that has nothing to do with Prestashop or CMS. That software is to a considerable extent configured by your hosting provider. So I suggest that you go back to them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i got this error too, i write server provider hi said it problem in prestashop CMS

In your case too you can read below the message that it comes from "@ISPManager Control Panel".


Of course it may be a simple case of file rights that you can solve yourself. But it certainly isn't Prestashop.

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