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Price update at product detail...


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Hello to all.

My problem is that the price at the product detail page when you change the quantity doesn't change.

You can see an example at the link:



After you add it to the cart and go to the shopping cart summary you can change there the quantity and the price change also,but this is no good as the customer don't know it.


Can someone please help me to fix that?


Prestashop version is with the default theme.

Edited by onep (see edit history)
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On product page, the price is one item price for one item - why you would you want to change the price when change quantity? I think it makes more confusion?

Prince is price per item, not the total mount in shopping cart. so I think keep current is good choice.

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Hello shokinro.

what i want is: when the product has price 16 e and 17,2 e (like the example i have at the first post with combinations)

if the customer wants to buy 3 or 10 quantity to be able to see how much it will cost to him and not to have to use the calculator.



How can i add new field Total beside the quantity?

i don't mind to have product price and beside total if this works,just to inform customer how much it costs.

Edited by onep (see edit history)
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it will not be that easy to add a new field, since you will also need to add javascript code to update the value of this fields.

consider of combination, the code will be a little bit complex.


but I do not need it is necessary to do that because customer should know if it multiple items, the amount will be price * x.

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