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Default theme product compare demo?


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I took a look at the demo, I don't see the option anywhere to add a product to be compared. Tried hovering, going to the products page etc...


I'm looking at PrestaShop as an affiliate sales CMS for tech products. So a user may want to compare several products and they will have a shareasale API link connected. Is PrestaShop good for something like this?


Ideally I need to have the product compare button pretty much anywhere the product is listed... If someone clicks a tag, bam, the list of products associated with that tag should come up and hopefully have a compare button there...


I took a look at Wordpress and there's amazingly almost nothing available like this...

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Interesting... Thanks for your quick reply, man.


Is this default Presta? 


I notice a couple of things... Only 3 can be compared... and there's no obvious way to clear the current queue...


Maybe I require something a bit more specialized.... Is this your site BTW?

Edited by damian5000 (see edit history)
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This is my client's site, not very default, a lot of custom development going on there, however the comparison functionality was not changed a lot. As for the maximum number of products to compare, this is a setting in Prestashop. If you need additional buttons than any developer or this forum should be able to help you.

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