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create cart update / modify button


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Prestaashop should have been taken care of shopping cart update when you change quantity or delete an item, or if you add new item to your shopping.

If you use attribute combination, the attribute selection also has been taken care of at product page, when you add product to shopping cart.


Unless you want to something else with extra parameters, it is not necessary. In case you wan to do something extra, you will have to submit the information from your page to shopping cart controller and then handle your submitted data at cart controller.


Assume SEO freindly has been enabled, the url to submit will be something like this http://yourstore.com/cart?p1=v1&p2=v2

The controller class you need to handle your data is 




Or (recommedned)



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for quantity yes if had option to change quantity. but for attribute selectiin yes it been taken care when we add product to cart, let say i put attribute as a cloth size. at first customer select size "M" after add to cart he/she change their mind and want to change size. but the option is not there. if they click on atribut selection after add to cart the page will redirect to shopping page and customer can change the attribute selection but need to add to cart as new order.. after that need to delete the old one..

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