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Can't disable debug mode


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I have a CMS page that has arround 90+ links. All of them without any language code because it fits for more languages.

Before it worked fine, but now every time it display's this error:

[Debug] This page has moved
Please use the following URL instead: http://xxx.nl/index.php?id_cms=35&controller=cms&id_lang=7

So my "config/defines.inc.php" is fine (debug off) and php.ini is also fine. Even checked classes/link.php all of them are fine. I kinda run out on ideas where to check. So any input would be great. :)

Prestashop 1.6.4

No friendly URL's (For now)

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please use this module, it will display your phpinfo information as known by PrestaShop, i.e. after load.




then you can look/search on the php error settings, also it will tell you where the php.ini is being loaded.

As results:

display errors - Local value On, master value: off


php.ini is indeed set to false not off.

Still no idea where to search.

Edited by Inform-All (see edit history)
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  • 1 year later...

I solved this, I realized that the function php_strip_whitespace at AdminPerformanceController.php was returning NULL. That was because I edited my defines.inc.php on cpanel to enable and then disable the debug mode, and that corrupted or turned the file into binary. I solved this by uploading a new defines.inc.php, overwriting the existent file. 

Edited by andresams (see edit history)
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