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Problem with themeconfigurator - class uploader not found


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Hi, I'm new to prestashop.

I had my store installed in a test folder hostingX/prestashop and when it was ready I moved to root. This give a lot of troubles because some files did not copied at all and some were corrupted. The fact is that I go discoverying issues and trying to fix them.

However, I'm facing a problem that cannot solve. When I try to access Preferences/Theme I get:

Fatal error: Class 'Uploader' not found in /home/XXXXX/public_html/classes/helper/HelperUploader.php on line 28

I checked and the file is there. The same happens when I try to access PS Theme Extender, which I installed.


But when I go through Modules and search for themeconfigurator, I can access it. I tried to uninstall it and install it again, but nothing happened.


I'm not sure if the problem is strictly with the theme module or is something more general.


Thanks in advance

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The mentioned problem solved by using the module 1-click upgrade. I upraded from version to and the problem solved. However I now cannot see the live configurator. And I need to set my own theme (css).


Anyone can explain me how to set a new theme in the database manually?



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Anyone can explain me how to set a new theme in the database manually?



Assume you have installed the themes.
You can change theme manually in database as following
table: ps_shop
column: id_theme
You can find your theme in following table
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