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moving country to different location in the address entry form

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When a customer is entering his or her address, I would like them to fill in their country first. For two reasons:

- our webshop has a limited number of delivery zones, and I would like the customer to find out whether or not we deliver to his or her country as soon as possible

- when a customer fills in the postal code, it checks it agains the postalcode format of the country they are in, if it is not a postal code in the default country, an error is shown when the customer moves to the next field. So I would like them to enter their country FIRST and then enter their postal code.


I presumed that altering the position of this code: 

{if $field_name eq 'Country:name' || $field_name eq 'country' || $field_name eq 'Country:iso_code'}
				<div class="required form-group">
					<label for="id_country">{l s='Country'} <sup>*</sup></label>
					<select id="id_country" class="form-control" name="id_country">{$countries_list}</select>

in adress.tpl would be sufficient, but it doesn't seem to work. I put the above code between the lastname block and the address1 block, but when I check the frontoffice, the position of the country field has not changed.


Does anyone know what I am missing?






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