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Module not in list / still installed and mostly working

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Prestashop is turning into a massive headache for me. 


I now have a new issue -- a module that was installed is no longer on the module list. Checking with FTP it still has a directory and files.


From the front of the store -- the module is still working although not perfectly. You can tell it is working mostly but the outcome is not what you'd normally get.


In addition I'm getting a warning about a newer version of this module existing in the backoffice -- I was getting that before so not new. If I click on that link it takes me to the config page of the module -- just like you'd get from clicking on config when the module used to appear in the list of modules.


Reinstalling the module leads to Module Installed Successfully but nothing actually changes -- it is still missing and still not functioning properly.


What I had did previous to this was turn on SSL for the entire store and then disable it again. I also turned off Ajax Cart and then turned it back on. I can't see how either of these are relevant to the issue at hand so I am going to do with module disappeared spontaneously.


Has anyone ever seen this before?


Does anyone have any idea how to fix it?


Prestashop is version

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Of course. I have tried even just filtering for the specific developer and all. 

Mind you this is not an isolated incident -- there has been random weird things happening in other parts of my stop as well. This is just the most recent. 

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Thanks for the offer but I am actually in the process of moving my site to a different hosting environment -- for a year I have had random unexplained issues.


1) Things I would change from the backoffice-- prices / store e-mail etc-- refusing to change. Some would eventually change after dozens of attempts and some like the store e-mail I had to actually just manually edit in the database.


2) Also getting issues with combinations that won't delete -- but then they will even though nothing but time has changed.


This is causing a module that I use for half my products to act up and generate prices of $0 at random intervals and then return to working fine.

To me it sounds like something is locking up the database preventing data from being changed. I figure since we are B3B this weekend the change from shared hosting to a VPN happens so I'm starting that as soon as I finish breakfast

Edited by Naldinho (see edit history)
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Hi, my hosts server crashed on Sunday! they have migrated my websites to another server all appears to be working however all the purchased modules are missing although still working!


Please help where do i find them?


kind regards


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