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No download e-mail sent to client

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In version there is a bug, so that clients are not receiving an e-mail with a download link upon "Payment accepted".
I have posted this question before, like some other users, but the only solution, that has been suggested is "upgrade to newer version". And OK, I know that it works in version 1.2, but upgrading to this version means, that I have to spend several days maybe weeks to make all the changings, so that a Danish client can understand all the messages in the system an a lot more. And I am not talking about the language files.
I have also e-mailed the PrestaShop developers, but the only say, that it is due to my payment module (ePay). But it is not true, because I have tested the ePay module on PrestsShop ver. 1.2 where it works.

I am quite desperate for a solution, so that I can avoid deleting PrestaShop and find another shopping system.
Anyone who has a solution/suggestion?

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