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No link on Breadcrumb ?

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1. Open themes>default-bootstrap>breadcrumb.tpl

2. Find below

<a itemprop="url" '|@replace:'data-gg="">': '>

3. Replace with below

<a class="not-active" itemprop="url" '|@replace:'data-gg="">': '>

4. Find below

<a href="{$smarty.capture.default|escape:'html':'UTF-8'|secureReferrer|regex_replace:'/[\?|&]content_only=1/':''}" name="back">

5. Replace with below

<a class="not-active" href="{$smarty.capture.default|escape:'html':'UTF-8'|secureReferrer|regex_replace:'/[\?|&]content_only=1/':''}" name="back">

6. At the end of file, add the below code snippet

.not-active {
   pointer-events: none;
   cursor: default;

7. You are done!


8. If you want to remove the home icon link, find the below line

<a class="home" href="{if isset($force_ssl) && $force_ssl}{$base_dir_ssl}{else}{$base_dir}{/if}" title="{l s='Return to Home'}"><i class="icon-home"></i></a>

9. Replace it with below

<a class="home not-active" href="{if isset($force_ssl) && $force_ssl}{$base_dir_ssl}{else}{$base_dir}{/if}" title="{l s='Return to Home'}"><i class="icon-home"></i></a>


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