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weight filter doesn't work - 0kg


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  • 3 weeks later...

still having troubles with this, but i did notice that if i put weight in round numbers without a decimal point it works.

if i do put an unrounded number like 2.25kg it will show on the slider as 2kg but it will not show the product when using the silder to filter the results.

if i put a number below 1kg lets say: 0.8kg, it will show as 0kg.

that is why i see only 0kg - 0kg, because most of my products are below 1kg.

i think the module is handling the units as grams not as kg.


any ideas?

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well, i found a solution.. sort of...

i changed the weight unit in localization from kg to grams. and i changed all the numbers in my store to rounded numbers since i don't sell anithing below 1 gram it's ok.

it's not the solution i was looking for. but what can you do... :(

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