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Slow Backend

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Hi Guys


What can I do to speed up the PrestaShop admin back-end of my shop?

I found a lot of threads about this issue but no solutions. According to some of the threads the slow back-end in PrestaShop would have been solved in version prior to1.6.1.4.

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prestashop just made it to my most hated product list Nr1. It's like a minefield of bugs waiting around each corner. :angry:  :angry:  :angry:

2 weeks wasted trying to sort out error after error and my site is still not up and running.

My current shopify store took me 3 days including product setup. The only downsite there was lack of proper categories.

I really hope prestashop can turn this around as the Idea of how it should work is really great (if you can get pass all of the errors) 

Please guys this is supposed to be noob friendly.


OK!!! now let me try again just maybe I can get it going :unsure:

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lol, we have all been where you are, so chin up.


Let's assume for a minute that it's not your hosting that is slow, thought that could be all it is.


To trace back or front office turn on PrestaShop profiling


open file config/definies.inc.php and set this to true

define('_PS_DEBUG_PROFILING_', false);
now visit the back office (or front) you should  see lots of info that may help you find the slowness
also for front office speed, the following should all be set to yes.




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Thanks for the reply.

I'm running in debug mode now but I'm not sure what specifically I'm looking for. :unsure:


I did find the following when loading the list of modules.

Load Time 140811 ms - You'd better run your shop on a toaster


I found the following when loading my products

Load Time 513 ms - Unicorn powered webserver!


I found the following when loading my Categories

Load Time 185 ms - Unicorn powered webserver!







Edited by TWPU (see edit history)
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it takes many hats to run an online presence, both examples of time slices seem reasonable.  Study results carefully.


You can try this to see if 3rd party module is issue.


back office-->advanced parms-->performance, 


disable on at a time, loading of overrides and 3rd party modules.  If you see improvement when one or both disabled then it's most likely a 3rd party issue.  If not then it is most likely a server bottle neck in access to db or low quality hosting that is paging you out for resource use....

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Thanks for the advice. I will do the tests and see how it goes.

I don't think that my problem is with the hosting as I am currently running 2 websites my first site www.technowave.co.za is hosted there and the speed is not to bad.

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