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Get postal code at end of checkout

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Hi all,


I am using Prestashop

At the end of the checkout page (after the payment by bankwire), the customer receives a thank message. On this page, I want to be able to show the postal code from the customer (entered during the checkout procedure).


What I did was opening the shop/modules/bankwire/views/templates/hook/payment_return.tpl and put the {debug} tags in it to search for the variable. However, I see that there is no variable at all with the postal code at this page.

The only relevant item I see is the variable "$customerName".


Is there a way to make sure that I can get/echo the postal code (entered previously on the checkout form) from the customer on the payment_return.tpl page?




Best regards,


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Hi Ndiaga,


Thanks for the fast reply!


I'm not that experienced with Prestashop. Do I need to create the new customer in the .tpl file with Smarty? Do you got an example or reference page?




Best regards,


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you'll have to add the address into the smarty variables passed to the template in hookPaymentReturn().  It's not the customer object you need but their address, either delivery or invoice, it should still be in the cart at this point though, so


$addressDelivery = new Address((int)$this->context->cart->id_address_delivery);




$addressInvoice = new Address((int)$this->context->cart->id_address_invoice);


should get you the object, assign it to smarty and away you go.

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