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Changing Cloudfront & S3 to new account - Prestashop Migration question


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Hi, I have a site that uses already existing AWS account to connect to Cloudfront. This site requires me to migrate it's hosting provider to a different hosting provider. The first thing I figured out doing was changing Cloudfront to new account since it's going to have a new owner. I am not expert in Prestashop so this is a newbie question. Currently all media files are pointing to this already existing AWS account, if look at source, they look like


<script src="http://d3xxxxxxxx.cloudfront.net/themes/PRS060148/js/megnor/waypoints.min.js"></script>

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://d3xxxxxxxx.cloudfront.net/themes/PRS060148/css/megnor/animate.css" />

<img src="http://d3xxxxxxxx.cloudfront.net/modules/images/test.jpg" alt="Test SALE!" />


Now, what I want to achieve is change src to point at "http://d1yyyyyyy.cloudfront.net", which is configured in a completely new account. 


Could you please let me know 
1) How to set up S3 or Cloudfront in AWS admin panel to achieve this? (Point me at good tutorial for this)

2) How to set this up from Prestashop admin panel.

So far I figured out you should change "Media Server #1" field under Advanced Parameters -> Performance -> MEDIA SERVER (Use only with CCC).


3rd question is, once you successfully set up Cloudfront and S3,

Where do you get this "http://d1yyyyyyy.cloudfront.net" parameter from AWS account?



Edited by visualbbasic (see edit history)
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