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Add To Cart without popup on one page only

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I am using the Ajax cart all over my site, this makes a popup when I add something to cart.  I want to keep this functionality on all pages except one.  I have an order form module where I do not want there to be a pop up because people can add multiple products at once.  I want it to go straight to the cart when they hit add to cart.  Heres the code:

$('.orderform_content table tbody tr').each(function () {
	if ($(this).find('.quantity_wanted').val() > 0) {
		var currentRow = $(this);
		ajaxCart.add(currentRow.find('.name .id_product').val(), currentRow.find('.name .id_product_attribute').val(), false, this, currentRow.find('.quantity_wanted').val(), null);
		if (empty == 1)

Is there a way to make ajax cart prevent the popup and go to the cart once done?  Or is there a different way I can add products to cart without javascript? Thanks


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