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Attributes module

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Can you please recommend a module for this? I could not find one that does this or something closer.


I need to show the product attributes in the following way (picture attached):


I'm working only with textures


1) the thumbnail of the attribute value needs to be bigger than default as they are textures(the one in the picture is 80px)


2) Each attribute needs to be a scrolable box since the values are larger and some attributes may have more than 20 values.


3) when clicking a value I need a zooming function for it. Not the default combination one. So regardless of how many attributes a product has, when clicking on a value, I want the customer to see a bigger picture of that particular value (texture).


Long story short, instead of the combinations between attributes I want to show larger pictures of the value  (texture) itself. Also, the thumbnail values need to large for better detail, and the values for each attribute need to be in a scrollable window.


Thank you!


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