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how to split similar products on order?


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Does anyone know how to split similarly ordered products on the order form, in the backend as admin?


For example, as a custom product I have created a product called "Service", with a "Comments" field". 

So, when I add this "Service" to a client's order in the backend as admin I would type in different comments, depending on what the service is for, for example:


Service: Install swing gate motor - R750

Service: Supply, Install and configuration of 3G enabled intercom system - R2200

Service: Supply and replaced blown flood lights - R1400



The problem is that Prestashop will add all 3 "Service" products as a single product, but with 3 line items, and only one price field. As I need to break down the prices, this doesn't work so well. 


Does anyone know how to have each product on it's own line, even if it's the "same" product?

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