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I need a similar module

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Hello everyone, I 'm looking for a module similar to this but free :


Otherwise you can with ( product and cart ) .tpl make a small mod that allows me to be able to use only even numbers in the selection of the amount (2-4-6-8)? 

I have experience in html / css / js and little php.


Please Help me..  :(


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I find a quick solution to the product page. :P 

Add this code on product.tpl after {if !$PS_CATALOG_MODE}{/if}

{assign var='categories' value=Product::getProductCategoriesFull($product->id, $cookie->id_lang)}
{foreach from=$categories key='categoryId' item='category' name='categories'}

{if $categoryId == '33' OR $categoryId == '34' OR $categoryId == '37'}

<script type="text/javascript">


if (isNaN(parseInt($('#quantity_wanted').val()))){$('#quantity_wanted').val(1)}
else {
else {$('#quantity_wanted').val(parseInt($('#quantity_wanted').val())+1)};

if (isNaN(parseInt($('#quantity_wanted').val()))){$('#quantity_wanted').val(1)}
else {
else {$('#quantity_wanted').val(parseInt($('#quantity_wanted').val())-1)};




But I miss implement it in the summary of the cart ..

I cant find the file .TPL of summary cart order.. ( Steap - 1 )


Help please :( 

Edited by Mantovani Maurizio (see edit history)
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