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How to access product_attribute reference in invoice.tpl


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Hi Tuk,


Thanks for the response.


Yes, I know $order_detail.product_reference is available, I was looking to get the attribute reference.


Now the $order_detail.attribute_reference_id is available, I was looking for how to use the id to get the attribute_reference, which is not available from the order_details table.


Is there some function that I could likely call that will take the attribute_id and return the attribute reference?


Thanks again to for any suggestions!

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Thank you very much Tuk, you are absolutely correct.


What happened was I created an order BEFORE creating the combination attribute reference, so when I was looking at the invoice, only the product reference was being used.


But after you said the attribute reference is in the ps_order_detail table, I placed a new order and the attribute reference was now used instead of the product reference.


Thanks again for your assistance!

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