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Change facebook shared image dimension


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I changed the product image on product page to 600x600 and when i press share on facebook it shares the image 600x600 and i crops the image.

I want the product image on product page 600x600 but when i share on facebook 600x300


Thank you!

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In product page i use medium_default (600x600) for the product image and i created a new image size called "socialshare" and its 600x300

I use the module Social sharing that has facebook twiter, pinterest and google

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Hi, ive done what you said and its going somewhere now, but still not working


with <meta property="og:image" content="{$link->getImageLink($link_rewrite, $cover.id_image, socialshare)}" />


it creates a url like




but if i change to website.com/32-socialshare/tuyau-inox-simple-paroi-1m.jpg it works


What do i need to change in <meta> to make it work?

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Odd, I wonder if the plugin is not set to use that on its own in the sharing button config.

Might be this, socialsharing.php, line 202 on my version

'sharing_img' => addcslashes($this->context->link->getImageLink($product->link_rewrite, $image_cover_id), "'")

Try adding the type there

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