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How to sell up to 500mb downloadable products in Prestashop?


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It seems that the filesize of downloadable products is limited to 25 Mb by default. Is there some way to increase that?


Or do I need a module to sell bigger files?


If I do, which modul(s) would you recommend?




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I am not sure, it might be also the server. From Administration -> Preferences I found "Maximum file size for downloadable product" and was able to increase file to 64 Mb. But this stilll is not enough though.

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It seems that our shop is in Prestashop Cloud, not in that server where the rest of our webpages are. So, is there somewhere in dashboard place where I can fix this or how do I find administrator of server?

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Thankyou very much!


This clarifies the situation.


I still wonder is there any module which could help with this. For example Digitalique.


According to developer with this module it is possible to "handle unlimited files and file sizes" but "you will need to modiy settings in your php.ini concerning max_request_time or max_uploaded_files or something if your server hast troubles uploading some files."


Does this mean that even if I purchase this module, I can't get over 64Mb if our shop is in Prestashop Cloud?



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