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Double product name in homepage

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I apologize, the site is now active. I did contact the developer but their answers are usually slow and vague.


I also looked on the template in question and you are right as it might be a feature. From what I have noticed on the homepage products you have 2 names: grid name and list name. I only need one name so I need to disable one of these names but I could not find it's source in order to remove it.


Thank you for the fast response!

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It worked. In product-list.tpl I had two span classes. One designed to pull up a "grid name" and one a "list name" since this is how the theme was designed. I removed the grid one: <span class="grid-name">{$product.name|truncate:45:'...'|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</span> and it worked. Thank you Simonas!

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It worked. In product-list.tpl I had two span classes. One designed to pull up a "grid name" and one a "list name" since this is how the theme was designed. I removed the grid one: <span class="grid-name">{$product.name|truncate:45:'...'|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</span> and it worked. Thank you Simonas!

This didn't work for me, but I deleted one of them, and the other I erased the class=" ". So it ended looking like this 



So far it is working. The only issue I have now is that as I was attempting to fix this issue, my Best Sellers and New Arrivals don't show anything but my Popular items do show up.

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