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لود بسیار بالای سایت

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لود سایت بنده بسیار بالا هست لطفا بفرمایید چه تنظیماتی اعمال کنم و یا چه کار کنم تا لودینگم خیلی بهتر بشه

Load Time	28767 ms - You'd better run your shop on a toaster
Querying Time	713 ms
Queries	180
Memory Peak Usage	72.2 Mb
Included Files	315 files - 4.57 Mb
PrestaShop Cache	0.82 Mb
Global vars	0.91 Mb
PrestaShop Version
PHP Version	5.5.32 (OK)
MySQL Version	5.6.29 (OK)
Memory Limit	1024M
Max Execution Time	0s
Smarty Cache	enabled
Smarty Compilation	never recompile
config 	966 ms 	966 ms 	11.21 Mb 	11.28 Mb
__construct 	0 ms 	966 ms 	- Mb 	11.28 Mb
init 	183 ms 	1149 ms 	3.82 Mb 	15.12 Mb
checkAccess 	0 ms 	1149 ms 	- Mb 	15.12 Mb
setMedia 	21 ms 	1170 ms 	0.22 Mb 	15.33 Mb
postProcess 	0 ms 	1170 ms 	- Mb 	15.33 Mb
initHeader 	0 ms 	1170 ms 	0.01 Mb 	15.33 Mb
initContent 	20987 ms 	22157 ms 	52.96 Mb 	68.51 Mb
initFooter 	276 ms 	22433 ms 	0.17 Mb 	68.64 Mb
display 	6334 ms 	28767 ms 	- Mb 	72.18 Mb
Hook 	Time 	Memory Usage
hookHeader 	16517 ms 	38.50 Mb
=> spthemeconfigurator 	16394 ms 	38.50 Mb
=> blockcategories 	3 ms 	- Mb
=> blocklayered 	0 ms 	- Mb
=> blockcontactinfos 	1 ms 	- Mb 
Module 	Time 	Memory Usage
spthemeconfigurator 	16520 ms 	41.75 Mb
spmanufactureslider 	855 ms 	0.75 Mb
=> __construct 	70 ms 	0.75 Mb
=> hookHeader 	12 ms 	- Mb 

این هم تنظیمات بخش فعال کردن کوکی





ضمنا یک بار فایل htaccess

رو حذف و دوباره باز تعریف کردم


memory limit = 2048m

هم قرار دادم


تصاویر هم به کمترین میزان حجم خودشون کاهش پیدا کردن


و تمامی این کارها در راستای بهبود لود سریعتر سایت بوده اما جوابی نگرفتم


ممنون میشم دوستان کمک کنند

Edited by fun_9990 (see edit history)
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ماژول مربوطه و کد

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*  HOOK (displayHeader)
    /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
    public function hookHeader($params)
		global $cookie, $smarty;
		$sp_var = array();
        $id_shop = $this->context->shop->id;
		$is_responsive = Configuration::get('SP_layoutRes');
		$showCpanel = Configuration::get('SP_showCpanel');
		foreach($this->defaults as $key => $value) {
			$sp_var[$key] = Configuration::get($key);
		// Load Cpanel Config
			$this->context->controller->addCSS(_MODULE_DIR_ . $this->name . '/views/css/front/sp-cpanel.css');
			//$this->context->controller->addCSS(__PS_BASE_URI__.'modules/'.$this->name.'/views/css/front/jquery.miniColors.css', 'all');
			$this->context->controller->addJS(__PS_BASE_URI__.'modules/'.$this->name.'/views/js/front/jquery.miniColors.min.js', 'all');
			$this->context->controller->addJS(__PS_BASE_URI__.'modules/'.$this->name.'/views/js/front/sp-cpanel.js', 'all');
			if( Tools::getIsset('SP_cplApply') && strtolower( Tools::getValue('SP_cplApply') ) == "apply" ){
		  		foreach($this->defaults as $key => $value) {
                    if(Tools::getIsset(str_replace('SP_', 'SP_cpl', $key))){
                        $cookie->__set(str_replace('SP_', 'SP_cpl', $key), Tools::getValue(str_replace('SP_', 'SP_cpl', $key)) );
				Tools::redirect( "index.php" );
            if( Tools::getIsset('SP_cplReset') && strtolower( Tools::getValue('SP_cplReset') ) == "reset" ){
	  			foreach($this->defaults as $key => $value) {
					$cookie->__unset(str_replace('SP_', 'SP_cpl', $key));
				Tools::redirect( "index.php" );	
			// Set value for params
	  		foreach($this->defaults as $key => $value) {
				if($cookie->__get(str_replace('SP_', 'SP_cpl', $key))){
					$sp_var[$key] = $cookie->__get( str_replace('SP_', 'SP_cpl', $key));
		// compile scss
		$scssDir = _PS_ALL_THEMES_DIR_._THEME_NAME_.'/sass/';
		$cssDir = _PS_ALL_THEMES_DIR_._THEME_NAME_.'/css/';
        /* We are loading css files in this hook, because
         * this is the only way to make sure these css files
         * will override any other css files.. Otherwise
         * module positioning will cause a lot of issues.

        /* LOAD CSS */
		 $language = new Language($cookie->id_lang);
		 if ($language->is_rtl) $this->context->controller->addCSS(_THEME_CSS_DIR_ . 'bootstrap/bootstrap-rtl.css');
		 else $this->context->controller->addCSS(_THEME_CSS_DIR_ . 'bootstrap/bootstrap.min.css');
	    // DO NOT MOVE THIS -> see the file for more information
        $this->context->controller->addCSS(_THEME_CSS_DIR_ . 'jquery_plugins/jquery.plugins.css');
		if($sp_var['SP_themecolorrand']) {
			$themeColors = ($this->randColor($sp_var['SP_themecolorrandin'])) ? $this->randColor($sp_var['SP_themecolorrandin']) : $sp_var['SP_themesColors'];
		} else {
			$themeColors = $sp_var['SP_themesColors'];
		$smarty->assign( $sp_var );
		$themeColors = strtolower($themeColors);
		$themeCssName = 'theme-' . str_replace("#", "", $themeColors) . '.css';
		$rtlCssName = 'rtl.css';
		$resCssName = 'responsive.css';
		$ie9CssName = 'ie9.css';
        // Load auto-created css files
        $cssFile = 'configCss-' . $id_shop . '.css';
        if (file_exists(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . $this->name . '/views/css/front/' . $cssFile)) {
            $this->context->controller->addCSS(_MODULE_DIR_ . $this->name . '/views/css/front/' . $cssFile);
        else {
            $this->context->controller->addCSS(_MODULE_DIR_ . $this->name . '/views/css/front/configCSS-default.css');
		// Load auto-created SCSS Compile
		if((!file_exists($cssDir . $themeCssName)) || $sp_var['SP_Scsscompile'] == 1) {
			require "scssphp/scss.inc.php";
			require "scssphp/compass/compass.inc.php";
			$scss = new scssc();
			new scss_compass($scss);
			if($sp_var['SP_Scssformat']) $cssFormat = $sp_var['SP_Scssformat'];
			else $cssFormat = 'scss_formatter_compressed';
			$variables = '$color1: '.$themeColors.';';
			$string_sass = $variables . file_get_contents($scssDir . "theme.scss");
			$rtl_css 	= $scss->compile('@import "rtl.scss"');
			$res_css 	= $scss->compile('@import "responsive.scss"');
			$ie9_css 	= $scss->compile('@import "ie9.scss"');
			$string_css = $scss->compile($string_sass);
			$string_css = preg_replace('/\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\//', '', $string_css); // remove mutiple comments
			file_put_contents($cssDir . $themeCssName, $string_css);
			file_put_contents($cssDir . $rtlCssName, $rtl_css);
			file_put_contents($cssDir . $resCssName, $res_css);
			file_put_contents($cssDir . $ie9CssName, $ie9_css);
		if($is_responsive) $this->context->controller->addCSS(_THEME_CSS_DIR_ . 'responsive.css');
		else  $this->context->controller->addCSS(_THEME_CSS_DIR_ . 'bootstrap/none-responsive.css');
        /* GLOBAL SMARTY VARS */
        /* LOAD JS */
        // Load custom JS files
		$controller_name = Dispatcher::getInstance()->getController();
		$this->context->controller->addJqueryPlugin('backtotop', _THEME_JS_DIR_ . 'sp_lib/');
		if(Configuration::get('SP_keepMenuTop') == 1) $this->context->controller->addJqueryPlugin('keepmenu', _THEME_JS_DIR_ . 'sp_lib/');
		if(Configuration::get('SP_animationScroll') == 1) $this->context->controller->addJqueryPlugin('scrollReveal', _THEME_JS_DIR_ . 'sp_lib/');
        // if (Module::isInstalled('blocklayered') && Module::isEnabled('blocklayered') && $controller_name == 'category') {
            // $this->context->controller->addJqueryPlugin('ui.touch-punch.min', _THEME_JS_DIR_ . 'sp_lib/');
        // }
		$this->context->controller->addJqueryPlugin('prettyPhoto', _THEME_JS_DIR_ . 'sp_lib/');
        $this->context->controller->addJqueryPlugin('global', _THEME_JS_DIR_ . 'sp_lib/');

که قرار دادم بالای 75 درصد لود سایت هست .
بعد از حذف این قسمت از کد میزان لودینگ از حدود 29 ثانیه رسید به 8.4 ثانیه اما خوب قالب به هم ریخته میشه
برای همین مشکل رو دقیقا همین قسمت می بینم
ملاحظه بفرمایید

Load Time    8475 ms - You'd better run your shop on a toaster
Querying Time    441 ms
Queries    171
Memory Peak Usage    38.8 Mb
Included Files    310 files - 4.43 Mb
PrestaShop Cache    0.78 Mb
Global vars    0.87 Mb
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