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Address: automatic fill in State from given Zip and Country

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Hey guys,

i searched for some weeks for something like this now and its a shame presta does not have the option built in imho.

What i need is a solution that automatically fills in the right state of the country from either the city or Zip.


I think i noticed that this works pretty well when i import eBay orders that get shipped to USA, but that is the only country that works. Germany or other european countries don't.


The problem is the eBay imported orders, because ebay does not ask for, nor send the state with the address, but my carrier always needs it. So my only option at the moment is to manually search on google for every state before i can ship an order.


If you could offer a working solution or a workaround (i export orders to Excel so it could be done there as well)

Please Answer here or PM




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