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Cart customizations in PrestaShop 1.7


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As a module developer, my biggest issue in the cart is that customizations do not have a price or weight impact
They are also grouped together in one product line and not displayed each in one separate product line.

- Allow customizations to have a price and weight impact like a combination price/weight impact

- Display each customization in a separate line in cart (like this http://prntscr.com/al7eap)

The customization information displayed in the previous image don't come with the customization content, I usually store [17] for example and then replace that ID with content from a custom table


So there's a lot of complexity like dynamically creating the custom field where to store the ID and then creating a separate product to include the customization costs etc..


I hope you find my suggestion useful and reasonable 


Best regard

Edited by Tuni-Soft (see edit history)
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