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Robots.txt problem


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Har ett problem med robots.txt. 

Har precis bytt tema och domän. Nu när jag googlar min webbadress så står det: En beskrivning av det här resultatet är inte tillgänglig på grund av webbplatsens robots.txt


Har aldrig haft det här problemet med tidigare butiker. 

Någon som har några idéer? 


Har följande alternativ för att konfigurera sitemap. Har endast valt index.







Tack på förhand.



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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm sorry to reply in english, but my swedish is not that good yet :P.


Forst of all, you have to check via FTP if robots.txt is on your site's root folder. If not, you can regenerate it in Preferences - SEO & URLs (last option at the bottom of the page).


If it's in there, then just check the rules inside the file. It may be corrupted or blocking robots for crawling your website. Just regenerate and try again.


Tip: Register your website in Google's Webmaster Tools so you can have a deeper understanding and analysis of your website's crawling issues.

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Thanks. I have tried regenerate with no success.


My robots looks like this


# robots.txt automaticaly generated by PrestaShop e-commerce open-source solution

# This file is to prevent the crawling and indexing of certain parts
# of your site by web crawlers and spiders run by sites like Yahoo!
# and Google. By telling these "robots" where not to go on your site,
# you save bandwidth and server resources.
# For more information about the robots.txt standard, see:
User-agent: *
# Allow Directives
Allow: */modules/*.css
Allow: */modules/*.js
# Private pages
Disallow: /*?orderby=
Disallow: /*?orderway=
Disallow: /*?tag=
Disallow: /*?id_currency=
Disallow: /*?search_query=
Disallow: /*?back=
Disallow: /*?n=
Disallow: /*&orderby=
Disallow: /*&orderway=
Disallow: /*&tag=
Disallow: /*&id_currency=
Disallow: /*&search_query=
Disallow: /*&back=
Disallow: /*&n=
Disallow: /*controller=addresses
Disallow: /*controller=address
Disallow: /*controller=authentication
Disallow: /*controller=cart
Disallow: /*controller=discount
Disallow: /*controller=footer
Disallow: /*controller=get-file
Disallow: /*controller=header
Disallow: /*controller=history
Disallow: /*controller=identity
Disallow: /*controller=images.inc
Disallow: /*controller=init
Disallow: /*controller=my-account
Disallow: /*controller=order
Disallow: /*controller=order-opc
Disallow: /*controller=order-slip
Disallow: /*controller=order-detail
Disallow: /*controller=order-follow
Disallow: /*controller=order-return
Disallow: /*controller=order-confirmation
Disallow: /*controller=pagination
Disallow: /*controller=password
Disallow: /*controller=pdf-invoice
Disallow: /*controller=pdf-order-return
Disallow: /*controller=pdf-order-slip
Disallow: /*controller=product-sort
Disallow: /*controller=search
Disallow: /*controller=statistics
Disallow: /*controller=attachment
Disallow: /*controller=guest-tracking
# Directories
Disallow: */classes/
Disallow: */config/
Disallow: */download/
Disallow: */mails/
Disallow: */modules/
Disallow: */translations/
Disallow: */tools/
# Files
Disallow: /*sv/
Disallow: /*sv/
Disallow: /*sv/
Disallow: /*sv/
Disallow: /*sv/
Disallow: /*sv/
Disallow: /*sv/
Disallow: /*sv/
Disallow: /*sv/
Disallow: /*sv/
Disallow: /*sv/
Disallow: /*sv/
Disallow: /*sv/
Disallow: /*sv/
Disallow: /*sv/
Disallow: /*sv/
Disallow: /*en/
Disallow: /*en/
Disallow: /*en/
Disallow: /*en/
Disallow: /*en/
Disallow: /*en/
Disallow: /*en/
Disallow: /*en/
Disallow: /*en/
Disallow: /*en/
Disallow: /*en/
Disallow: /*en/
Disallow: /*en/
Disallow: /*en/
Disallow: /*en/
Disallow: /*en/
# Sitemap
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  On 4/26/2016 at 11:48 PM, moy2010 said:

Check with Google Webmaster Tools your robots.txt file:




Do you have both swedish and english languages activated?


Thank you so much for taking time! I really preciate it!

Have checked with webmaster tool, it says OK. 

No, I have just Swedish in the shop. Should I remove something in the robots?

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If Google Webmaster tools says that your robots.txt file is ok, then you shouldn't have any issues :).


Just go ahead and submit also your sitemap via Webmaster tools so that it starts indexing your website.


Once you get your website is indexed, you'll have more data available for further analysis / debugging.



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