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[1.2.5 vers 1.3 RC2] 34 erreurs SQL après mise à jour

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voici les erreurs :

SET NAMES 'utf8'

/* ##################################### */ /* STRUCTURE */ /* ##################################### */ ALTER TABLE `ps_customization` ADD `quantity_refunded` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'

(1060) Duplicate column name 'quantity_refunded'
ALTER TABLE `ps_customization` ADD `quantity_returned` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'

(1060) Duplicate column name 'quantity_returned'

ALTER TABLE `ps_attribute_impact` CHANGE `id_attribute_impact` `id_attribute_impact` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT

ALTER TABLE `ps_customization` CHANGE `id_customization` `id_customization` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT

ALTER TABLE `ps_customization_field` CHANGE `id_customization_field` `id_customization_field` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT

ALTER TABLE `ps_subdomain` CHANGE `id_subdomain` `id_subdomain` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT

/* ##################################### */ /* CONTENTS */ /* ##################################### */ INSERT INTO `ps_search_engine` (`server`,`getvar`) VALUES ('bing.com','q')

INSERT INTO `ps_hook_module` (`id_module`, `id_hook`, `position`) VALUES (19, 9, 1)

/* PHP:decode_content(); */

SET NAMES 'utf8'

/* ##################################### */ /* STRUCTURE */ /* ##################################### */ /* ##################################### */ /* CONTENTS */ /* ##################################### */ /* PHP:decode_content(); */

SET NAMES 'utf8'

/* ##################################### */ /* STRUCTURE */ /* ##################################### */ /* ##################################### */ /* CONTENTS */ /* ##################################### */ UPDATE `ps_order_state_lang` SET `name` = 'Shipped' WHERE `id_order_state` = 4 AND `id_lang` = 1

UPDATE `ps_order_state_lang` SET `template` = 'shipped' WHERE `id_order_state` = 4 AND `template` = 'shipping'

/* PHP:reorderpositions(); */

SET NAMES 'utf8'

/* ##################################### */ /* STRUCTURE */ /* ##################################### */ ALTER TABLE `ps_configuration` DROP INDEX `configuration_name`

(1091) Can't DROP 'configuration_name'; check that column/key exists
ALTER TABLE `ps_order_detail` ADD `product_quantity_in_stock` INT(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER `product_quantity`

(1060) Duplicate column name 'product_quantity_in_stock'
ALTER TABLE `ps_order_detail` ADD `product_quantity_reinjected` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER `product_quantity_return`

(1060) Duplicate column name 'product_quantity_reinjected'
/* ##################################### */ /* CONTENTS */ /* ##################################### */ UPDATE `ps_product` SET `out_of_stock` = 0 WHERE `id_product` IN ((SELECT `id_product` FROM `ps_product_download`))

SET NAMES 'utf8'

/* ##################################### */ /* STRUCTURE */ /* ##################################### */ /* ##################################### */ /* CONTENTS */ /* ##################################### */ /* PHP:update_modules_sql(); */

SET NAMES 'utf8'

/* ##################################### */ /* STRUCTURE */ /* ##################################### */ /* ##################################### */ /* CONTENTS */ /* ##################################### */ SET NAMES 'utf8'

/* ##################################### */ /* STRUCTURE */ /* ##################################### */ /* ##################################### */ /* CONTENTS */ /* ##################################### */ INSERT INTO ps_configuration (name, value, date_add, date_upd) VALUES ('PS_THEME_V11', 0, NOW(), NOW())

(1062) Duplicate entry 'PS_THEME_V11' for key 'name'
/* PHP */ /* PHP:update_carrier_url(); */

/* PHP:moduleReinstaller('blocksearch'); */

SET NAMES 'utf8'

ALTER TABLE `ps_discount_category` ADD INDEX ( `id_discount` )

DELETE FROM `ps_delivery` WHERE `id_range_weight` != NULL AND `id_range_weight` NOT IN (SELECT `id_range_weight` FROM `ps_range_weight`)

DELETE FROM `ps_delivery` WHERE `id_range_price` != NULL AND `id_range_weight` NOT IN (SELECT `id_range_price` FROM `ps_range_price`)

SET NAMES 'utf8'

ALTER TABLE `ps_category_product` ADD INDEX (`id_product`)

SET NAMES 'utf8'

SET NAMES 'utf8'

SET NAMES 'utf8'

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voici la suite :

/* ##################################### */ /* STRUCTURE */ /* ##################################### */ ALTER TABLE `ps_product` CHANGE `reduction_from` `reduction_from` DATE NOT NULL DEFAULT '1970-01-01', CHANGE `reduction_to` `reduction_to` DATE NOT NULL DEFAULT '1970-01-01'

ALTER TABLE `ps_order_detail` CHANGE `tax_rate` `tax_rate` DECIMAL(10, 3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.000'

ALTER TABLE `ps_group` ADD `price_display_method` TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER `reduction`

(1060) Duplicate column name 'price_display_method'
CREATE TABLE `ps_carrier_group` ( `id_carrier` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `id_group` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, UNIQUE KEY `id_carrier` (`id_carrier`,`id_group`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8

(1050) Table 'ps_carrier_group' already exists
ALTER TABLE `ps_country` ADD `need_identification_number` TINYINT( 1 ) NOT NULL

(1060) Duplicate column name 'need_identification_number'
ALTER TABLE `ps_customer` ADD `dni` VARCHAR( 16 ) NULL AFTER `firstname`

(1060) Duplicate column name 'dni'
ALTER TABLE `ps_image` ADD INDEX `product_position` (`id_product`, `position`)

(1061) Duplicate key name 'product_position'
ALTER TABLE `ps_hook_module` ADD INDEX `id_module` (`id_module`)

(1061) Duplicate key name 'id_module'
ALTER TABLE `ps_customer` ADD INDEX `id_customer_passwd` (`id_customer`, `passwd`)

(1061) Duplicate key name 'id_customer_passwd'
ALTER TABLE `ps_tag` ADD INDEX `id_lang` (`id_lang`)

(1061) Duplicate key name 'id_lang'
ALTER TABLE `ps_customer_group` ADD INDEX `id_customer` (`id_customer`)

(1061) Duplicate key name 'id_customer'
ALTER TABLE `ps_category_group` ADD INDEX `id_category` (`id_category`)

(1061) Duplicate key name 'id_category'
ALTER TABLE `ps_image` AD

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